Wednesday, June 25, 2008

a lilly blooms
near a makeshift cross
war-ravaged field

Vic Gendrano

Thought I would announce here that I just uploaded to my blog site,
my ten best haiku which were recently published in the May 2008 issue of World Haiku Review.


Pan Haiku Review said...

Hi Vic!

I really like your haiku, but wonder if the first line could be last, such as...

war-ravaged field–
near a makeshift cross
a Fire Lily blooms


Pan Haiku Review said...


This highly resonant haiku of VIc's is one of ten published by the World Haiku Review magazine...

Father's Day
I add to my wardrobe
my son's outgrown shirts

Vic's haiku can also be seen at:
Vic's haiku harvest blog

Möme said...

Alan, I disagree. I think this haiku works perfectly moving from a small flower to the larger concept. As often in life, we notice the small detail, and then come to realise the surroundings. (But then, my viewpoint is that of a gardener :-)

Pan Haiku Review said...

Hi Möme!

You could be right, maybe just a break after 'cross' and incorporating a definite article for the "field" is all that it needs?

a lily blooms
near a makeshift cross–
the war-ravaged field
